

The menus contain commands for performing all functions in Codex.

Menu Item Description
File New Topic Creates a new topic.
New Map Creates a new map.
New File Creates a new file:
  • Topic
  • Concept
  • Task (General)
  • Task (Strict)
  • Reference
  • Glossary Entry
  • Glossary Group
  • Composite
  • Bookmap
  • Map
From Template lets you open any file to use as a template. After opening a file using From Template, the Save command is disabled. You must use Save As to save the file under a new name.
New Window Opens a new Editor window.
Open Opens a file in the current Editor window.
Open Recent Displays a list of recent files that you can select to open.
Close Closes the current Editor window.
Save Saves the file using its current filename.
Save As Saves the file using a new filename.
Save As Template Saves the file to your template directory.
Exit Closes Codex.
Edit Undo Undoes the last action.
Redo Redoes the last undone action.
Cut Cuts the selected text and/or elements.
Copy Copies the selected text and/or elements to the clipboard.
Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard at the cursor location. If the Paste command does nothing, then the clipboard contents cannot be pasted at the cursor location.
Delete Deletes the selected text and/or elements.
Tag Text Applies a tag to the selected text.
Untag Text Removes the tag from the selected text or element.
Edit Attributes Lets you edit the attributes of the selected element or the element containing the cursor.
Edit Equation (requires MathFlow license) Opens the selected equation in the MathFlow Editor for editing.
Preferences Opens the Preferences window.
View Show Tags Shows or hides element tags in the Editor.
Toolbar Shows or hides the Toolbar.
Toolbox Shows or hides the Toolbox.
Element Library Shows or hides the Element Library.
Insert Element Inserts an element at the cursor location.
Image Inserts an image at the cursor location.
Reference Inserts a topic reference or map reference as a child of the selected reference within a map.
Equation (requires MathFlow license) Inserts an equation at the cursor location.
Table Insert Row Before Inserts a row above the cursor location or selection.
Insert Row After Inserts a row below the cursor location or selection.
Insert Column Before Inserts a column to the left of the cursor location or selection.
Insert Column After Inserts a column to the right of the cursor location or selection.
Move Row Up Moves the current row up.
Move Row Down Moves the current row down.
Move Column Left Moves the current column to the left.
Move Column Right Moves the current column to the right.
Delete Row Deletes the current row.
Delete Column Deletes the current column.
Window Lists and allows you to switch to files currently open in Codex.
Help Codex Help Opens the online help.
Codex Welcome Opens the Welcome window.
Codex on the Web Opens
Install Plug-in Lets you select a plug-in to install.
License MathFlow Lets you select a MathFlow license file.
About Codex Displays version and license information about Codex.